Tag Archives: Vita

Game Ideas: Fighting Online

Been playing a lot of Mortal Kombat and Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 on my Vita when I get some free time. First thing first, I’m absolutely horrible at those kinds of fighting games, and yet, I still love to play them. The problem I run into is that I eventually get bored of playing the computer and my only other option is to try my hand at playing online. Big deal, right? Well, it kind of is. Fairly quickly after a new fighting game is released, the online community seems to die off and become comprised only of the most hardcore of players. I’m not talking about the guys who give you a bit of a challenge. I’m talking about the guys who have mastered the art of juggling you in the air and killing you before you can land more than a couple of lucky punches. No doubt someone out there is probably going to say “then get better at the game”. Yes, that probably is the obvious route but not everyone wants to spend all of their gaming time only mastering fighting games. Some people, like me, enjoy popping online every now and then just for some fun. The “casual” fighting game fan, for lack of a better (and less annoying) term.

I realize that a lot of games have a matchmaking option that is supposed to pair you up with someone of your skill level, but these systems rarely seem to work. Even if you wait a few weeks after the game comes out before going online (give the better players a chance to build up their records) you still end up fighting some guy that outclasses you in every way. Usually, it’s because all of the other casual players have already given up and the system’s only option is to move you up onto the harder players. What I’d like to see is just a complete separation of the player base. I know it’s probably a risky move but I think it’s one that could help foster a more diverse community than what we see now.

So, how would it work? It’s super basic. When the player enters the online mode, they would see three options; Casual Fighter, Fighter, and Elite Fighter (better names could be thought up later). When a player is just starting off, they can choose any of these options. Maybe you just know that you’re a total badass when it comes to Mortal Kombat. If that’s the case, you can jump straight into the Elite Fighter matchmaking, no questions asked. Once you’ve played a certain number of matches, your win/loss record would then determine which matchmaking you can enter. If you have a win/loss ratio better than 75% then you can only play with the Elite. 40% or better then you’re with the Fighters, or Elite if you so choose. Anything below 40% and you can pick your poison.

It isn’t fool proof by any means but it at least gives the casual player a fighting chance (PUN!) and may keep them around long enough to develop into a better fighter. So, good idea or bad idea?

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Filed under Game Ideas, Gaming